In the next hour:


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Rob Coleman

Gender: Male
Gig Preference: Headliner, Opener, Compere, Middle spot
Additional Skills: Writing
Transport: Has own car


I'm doing regular opening and closing spots in small rooms, and playing middle spots in larger ones.   I have done paid work for amongst others Rob Riley, Mirth Control, TFI Standups, I love Comedy, C69 Comedy, Downstairs at the King's Head, Paul James, Cosmic Comedy, The Stand (Edinburgh), Ship of Fools, Agraman and House of Stand Up along with numerous other independents.  

Here's a link to a recent video:

For details of all my upcoming gigs, please visit

I live near Leicester.



""Rob Coleman did a great set for House of Stand Up, delivering creative one-liners with the speed and accuracy of an automatic rifle" "  -  House of Stand Up  
""Top notch writing skills with great stage presence and performance skills" "  -  Tony Cowards  
""Presence a plenty and material to match" "  -  One 4 Review  
""One of the funniest gag writers around" "  -  Sol Bernstein  
" "A cross between Stephen Wright and Emo Phillips without being derivative of either. Very funny man." "  -  Paul James,   Clown's Pocket, Neath.


No upcoming gigs